Christmas Aftermath
I decided it is time I "make time" for my blog. It is the Christmas season and when people click on my blog they see PMS in giant letters, and makes them feel all warm and cozy inside. So anyway onto bigger and better things.
Christmas has come and gone for yet another year and we are left in the aftermath! This was our first Christmas in Hawaii and it was great. We had Santa in the morning and the warm sunny beach in the afternoon. Only I had to keep reminding myself throughout the day that it was actually Christmas because it sure did not feel like Christmas. No Christmas I have ever experienced anyway.
So after we sat in the aftermath of Christmas morning I had to sit back and think to myself that my children just might be spoiled rotten and that it just might be my own doing, and that I just might not be doing them any favors by giving them everything they want. They did the whole unwrap, toss to the side, and say next routine during the whole unwrapping process. Then when the final present was unwrapped my daughter has the audacity to say "is that it?" Is that it? Yes that is it, were the 20 plus presents you just unwrapped not enough? In the last few months I have been trying to teach my daughter to appreciate what she has. So if she gets a treat after school she should appreciate it and not ask for more or expect it every day. So if I give her a red candy she does not ask for the blue one but appreciate that she got one at all. Apparently this lesson did not sink in when she asked for more more more on Christmas morning. I have to say though that the apple is not falling too far from the tree on this one. I am always finding myself say more more more as well. So I guess before I start to work on my daughter I should probably start at the base of the problem which would be me. I know that we are not supposed to store our treasures on earth but in Heaven, but I kind of had the theory that I would store them on earth and then shack up with one of my rich "Godly" friends in heaven. I'm sure I could get a wing in one of their mansions right? I have even passed the thought that there is no pain or jealousy or bad feelings in heaven so who cares if I have a shack in heaven and my neighbor has a mansion. Kind of like my I don't care if I live in a card board box in Hawaii b/c at least I get to live in Hawaii. Although that is not all together true b/c we have a four bedroom house in Hawaii and I still complain that it is not big enough and too old. I am sure that there has to be some warning written in real tiny letters that I am missing here and they will be revealed in magnitude one day. It is not like I go out and try to be materialistic, it just comes naturally. So maybe it is time that I learn be happy with what I got and stop looking for more. To appreciate the many blessing I have been given and be greatful for them, so that I can be a positive influence in my kids life. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those lessons that takes me a long time to learn, and I will eventually learn it the hard way. What do they say in alcoholics anonymous.....The first step is admitting there is a problem?