Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Girl time!

Today was a good day. Ben was off, so we got to sleep in, have naps, and then Addison and I went out for some shopping and pedicures. she got a hot pink with flowers and I got chocolate brown!

Then we came home and did facials.

Gotta love girl time! Tomorrow we are heading to the pool to work on our tans. Boy life is rough. I will try and update tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What's for supper

Oh yeah that's right more cabbage soup. Thought I would give you a little update on the diet. (Are you happy Jeff?) So I am on day 5. DAY 5! pretty good! I made it here with no troubles, and no cheats! NONE! I have not even licked the peanutbutter off my kids spoon while making sandwiches. Will power is not a problem for me while on a diet. The problem however is that I am on day 5 and have only lost three pounds:( Day 1 lost 2 pounds (yeah me) day 2 gained three, what the H E double hockey sticks is going on here? Day 2 afternoon got an unwanted un-invited vister who comes and sets up camp about once a month and stays for a week! That would explain the weight gain and bloating, and the zit starting to sprout on my chin. I think I am even more bloated then usual because of the large intake of cabbage. day 3 lost 3 pounds, still higher then I started on day 1. Day 4 lost 1 pound for a total of three pounds lost. (confused yet) So I have decided to do the diet for two xtra days to make up for my rude interuption and when I kick the univited visiter out the door and yell to her (n ow stay out this time!) I had better drop several pounds all at once. I mean it is one thing to eat cabbage soup every day and lose weight, but to eat this every day day inand day out and not be loosing then that is just crap. Speaking of crap let me tell just kidding I won't. I will spare you the details on that one. Lets just say that Londyn's doo doo is more solid then mine. So here starts day five, at least I never have to wonder what's for supper.

Oh yeah my husband is doing this diet to and had lost 6 pounds as of day 4. Yeah whatever!

What's for supper

Oh yeah that's right more cabbage soup. Thought I would give you a little update on the diet. (Are you happy Jeff?) So I am on day 5. DAY 5! pretty good! I made it here with no troubles, and no cheats! NONE! I have not even licked the peanutbutter off my kids spoon while making sandwiches. Will power is not a problem for me while on a diet. The problem however is that I am on day 5 and have only lost three pounds:( Day 1 lost 2 pounds (yeah me) day 2 gained three, what the H E double hockey sticks is going on here? Day 2 afternoon got an unwanted un-invited vister who comes and sets up camp about once a month and stays for a week! That would explain the weight gain and bloating, and the zit starting to sprout on my chin. I think I am even more bloated then usual because of the large intake of cabbage. day 3 lost 3 pounds, still higher then I started on day 1. Day 4 lost 1 pound for a total of three pounds lost. (confused yet) So I have decided to do the diet for two xtra days to make up for my rude interuption and when I kick the univited visiter out the door and yell to her (n ow stay out this time!) I had better drop several pounds all at once. I mean it is one thing to eat cabbage soup every day and lose weight, but to eat this every day day inand day out and not be loosing then that is just crap. Speaking of crap let me tell just kidding I won't. I will spare you the details on that one. Lets just say that Londyn's doo doo is more solid then mine. So here starts day five, at least I never have to wonder what's for supper.

Oh yeah my husband is doing this diet to and had lost 6 pounds as of day 4. Yeah whatever!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I love cabbage soup!

So I am jumping on the band wagon with bloggers Kelly and Jeff and doing the cabbage soup diet! I also talked Ben and my mother into doing it as well. You are said to lose 10-17 pounds in a week. Then I am going to have to go back to Banana (read below) for smaller sizes! So I will keep you posted on the loss and how by day 7 cabbage soup will make me want to vomit! If you go to Kelly's page on my blog roll you can gt a copy of the diet. So join the cabbage soup challange to a new skinnier you!


Banana Republic is having the BEST sale. I have revisited it twice it three days already! I got 2 skirts, two pairs of bermuda shorts, two pairs of capris, 2 pairs of kakhis, 1 dress, and 16 tops! you can just imagine the shopping high I was on after that trip! Oh and I got a polo for Ben. gotta throw him a little something. Well actually I scored some pretty big points for buying him a kegerator for his birthday. Am I a great wife or what? Now I am a great wife who dresses way fab in her new Banana wardrobe! I also went through my closet and gave my friend a garbage bag full of hand me downs. Not that I can even call them that, half of them still had price tags on them. Off to go organise my closet.

Londyn is STILL not walking and I STILL love my dog!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

last post continued...

So where was I? Oh yes the Big Island. We had a time share here so we decided to use it up and spend 6 nights on the Big Island. It really surprises me to say this but I thnk this was my favorite Island so far. It was sooooo huge and had so many different kinds of terrain. One minute you are driving through fields of black lava rock, then you are on cliffs next to the crystal clear ocean, then you make a bend and are driving amoungs rolling green hills that look more like Europe then Hawaii, there are white sand beaches, and black sand beaches, and even green sand beaches. There is just no end to the things to see and do there. I will try and upload some of my favorite pictures but it is going to be hard to limit them to just a few. The first day there we basicall just drove around 3/4 of the island, stopping at all the scenic outloooks, a hike to a wterfall, and black sand beach along the way. This took well over 8hours. Amazing because on our island nothing is more then 30 minutes away. Here is some of what we saw!

The next day we spent the day at a great beach. It was a little more crowded then we are used to but the water was amzing!

next day we attempted the night hike to the lava at the volcanoes, but it ended up being a 5 mile hike in the dark over lava fields, in the dark, and with 4 kids it just wasn't happening. So we hiked about a mile, decided it was more than we could handle and settle for an all you can eat prime rib and crab leg buffet in ilo. However by the time we got there we had 1 hour before it shut down. So it was quite the site In one hour I shoved down 6 pounds of crab legs, 4 ribs, potatoes, salad, and then went for dessert and ice cream. Oh and did I mention this came with bottomless beer! So once they kicked us out I went to the car undid my pants, and fell asleep while Ben dorve the 2 hou ride home.

the highlight of my trip was a zodiac/snorkle tour. It was a four hour trip on an inflatable boat with two stops for the most amazing snorkling I have ever done. The water was amazing. We were in 30-80 feet of water and you could spot an pebble on the sea floor. We saw millions of fish, and swam with about 6 sea turtle that I could reach out and touch. We didn't even get out the bay and saw 50 doulphins, and spotted about 15 whales. The whole trip was awsome. I wanted to do it again the next day!

Here are some more pics from our trip!

This is a picture from the coffee plantaion we toured. this is how the coffee beans grow. they are called cherries, and a re a little sweet with a bean in the middle.

Londyn's first pigtails!

Londyn update: Still NOT walking! Has taken a couple steps here and there, but nothing to write home about. Maybe one day she will decide to take off. She is talking allot! every day she does something new! I think she gets even cuter every day to. I guess she ages like her mother. Ok that has to be it for now. I am tired of blogging! More to come soon!

Hapennings in Turnerville!

So much going on in Turnerville right now that I do not know where to start. I guess I will start with the biggest most important stuff. I did not want to say anything until it was 100% official. As of Septenber 29th, 2007 we will be done with the militery once and for all. Let me back up a little and give you all the details. We were getting near the end of our time in Hawaii and milling over our next move.Where we could get stationed next, and how to avoid deployments at all cost. We came acoss a special duty assignment in Germany. It was a teaching job that ws non-deployable for 4 years. I was just startiing to wrap my head around the idea and starting to get excited about living abroad for a few years when Ben calls me and puts a whole new spin on our lives. I was backing in the hawiian sun by the pool when he called and told me the news. Apparently his career feild and many others are over-manned and they need 3000 people to volunteer to resign from the Air Force NO STRINGS ATTACHED. We have been looking for ways to get out of the AF ever since we got in but when it actually fell in my lap this wave of fear came over me. I know I complain about militery life all the time, but really I have to admit they have been very good to us and w would not be where we are today if we did not have it. We are just coming up on our ten year mark. However with another deployment looming over us in September I remembered the bottom line most important thing and that is having our family togeather. It kills me to think of all the kids that go without their mommy and daddy's for months sometimes years at a time, and when it comes right down to it, it just isn't worth it! So after nuch, praying, and talking, and all the what if's we decided that militery life is just not for us and we applied to ge out. Well last week we found out we have been aproved and our date of seperation is Sept 29th. Now come even more big decisions. We go back and forth all the time trying decide what we want to do next and where we want to go from here. Part of me wants to stay here, because I love Hawaii and the weather could not be more perfect. I have beachs when ever I want and am surrounded in beauty every day. Ben has been offered two jobs here, so Hawaii would be a real possiblilty. However the down sides are, the school systems are TERRIBLE! The kids would have to be homeschool, or sent to private school, and at 10 000 a year per kid for 4 kids that is not really an option. Also I love our house here but a family of 6 living in 1200 feet is starting to get a little cramped, and poor Londyn can't sleep inour closet forever. However the option of upgrading to a bigger house is not really an option either because well I do not have a 3/4 mill sitting in my back pocket. So we started looking at different states on the mainland. There are some great states out there but we keep coming back to Texas. It ertainly isn't my favorite state but ther are a few reasons we love it. For one you can get your best bang for your buck in Texas. For what we payed for our 12oosqft in Hawaii we could own a mansion in Texas. No kidding, like a mansion. Also since Ben's parents live near by (but not too near by) we will have family available to help us out. The kids will get to actually know their family and we will be able to go to Canada more often (at least once a year) so we will spend more time with them as well. If we went to any other state we would have to divide ourselves between our two families on holidays, and have no holiday time left for our own family vacations. So this way we will see ben's parents on a pretty regular basis but will be able to spend holidays with mine. The weather is wwhat I am looking forward to the least but I have found an amazing development that I have fallen in love with. I think the kids will love and and our family will have a blast here.
I never really wanted to live in Dallas because it is sooo big, and Austin has always been our first choice, but the housing is quite a bity cheaper in Dallas, and like I said I have fallen in love with this develpoment and cannot imagine living anywhere else. I wish it were in Austin though. So I guess we have 6 months to figure things out and make a final decision. Ben plans to get out and his time in the Af gives him a Master Electrition level on the outside. He wants to learn the ins and outs for a few years then get his contracting licence and either start his own compan or buy into an existing one. I know he will be successfull at what ever he does because he is intellegent, dependable, has a strong work ethic, and drive. So if anyone has any comments or advice then keep it to yourslef! Just kidding I would love to hear what people have to say.

Next subject, and this is a touchy one for some. So remember that cute little puppy we posted a few months back? Our new dg Saddie? The one that was going to grow old with us and yadda yadda. Well Saddie and the Turner's have parted ways. Before you guys get in an uproar about how I go through dogs let me explain. You see when I bought Saddi (for $500) I was told he was a Pomeranian/Palpion mix. Both of those are small, long haired cute dogs. Well like I said Saddie ended up being a little larger then I wanted with short short hair (whcih I hate) and very hyper. So if I was going to grow old with a dog (and I am) then I at least wanted it to be the dog I really wanted to grow old with. I mean really this is not my fault. You don't just marry the first guy that comes along sight unseen, before you even get to know their personallity right? So I consider it like dating the dogs or more like rent-a-dog. I aid $500 for Saddie and had her for 5 months so I rented her for $100 a month. So anyway one day my friend comes over and falls in love with Saddie. I mean if that dog could get someone to love her then who was I to stand in her way. She begged me to take th dog home, and after twisting my arm for hours I finaly gave in. I told the kids we would get a new dog once we got moved and settle somewhere. Well little Addison was online for hours a day looking for dogs and researching. It was not long before I was joining her and skimming the paper every day. Which brought us to our newest member! Everybody meet Winston Turner!

W got her from a breeder and he comes from a long line of show dogs. He meets all the right measruements and requirments for showing however in a show he wags his tail when spoken to instead of keeping it completely still and up on his back. SO he was unable to show and the lady could not use him. We just wanted a pet and wagging his tail was not a bad thing for us, so we snatched him up right away. He is so completely cute! He is 6 months, 4 pounds 1 oz, and is paper trained already, which as you know is great for me! She is very mild mannered for a polmeranian. just follows you around, does not bark, does not jump up, pr bite, or chew thigns. I love this dog. For real. No I am serious this time. I payed big money for this little ball of fur and he is going to stick with us till the end. I promise I will never put up a free to good home sign with his pictur on it in the grocery store!

I have only a couple minutes before I have to leave for a photoshoot so I am going to end here but will finish up tonight with some pictures from out trip to the Big Island! We went for a week!