Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What's for supper

Oh yeah that's right more cabbage soup. Thought I would give you a little update on the diet. (Are you happy Jeff?) So I am on day 5. DAY 5! pretty good! I made it here with no troubles, and no cheats! NONE! I have not even licked the peanutbutter off my kids spoon while making sandwiches. Will power is not a problem for me while on a diet. The problem however is that I am on day 5 and have only lost three pounds:( Day 1 lost 2 pounds (yeah me) day 2 gained three, what the H E double hockey sticks is going on here? Day 2 afternoon got an unwanted un-invited vister who comes and sets up camp about once a month and stays for a week! That would explain the weight gain and bloating, and the zit starting to sprout on my chin. I think I am even more bloated then usual because of the large intake of cabbage. day 3 lost 3 pounds, still higher then I started on day 1. Day 4 lost 1 pound for a total of three pounds lost. (confused yet) So I have decided to do the diet for two xtra days to make up for my rude interuption and when I kick the univited visiter out the door and yell to her (n ow stay out this time!) I had better drop several pounds all at once. I mean it is one thing to eat cabbage soup every day and lose weight, but to eat this every day day inand day out and not be loosing then that is just crap. Speaking of crap let me tell just kidding I won't. I will spare you the details on that one. Lets just say that Londyn's doo doo is more solid then mine. So here starts day five, at least I never have to wonder what's for supper.

Oh yeah my husband is doing this diet to and had lost 6 pounds as of day 4. Yeah whatever!


At 4:26 PM, Blogger a tall sassy gal said...

Hang in will be over before you know it!

At 5:07 AM, Blogger my life is brilliant said...

Hey, at least it's a net loss, right?

My mom used to always have that problem -- she'd go on a diet, so she'd put my dad on it too. It never failed he'd lose more weight faster, so she'd wind up angry about it. lol

At 6:37 AM, Blogger a tall sassy gal said...

How is it going?


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