Monday, December 06, 2004


Everyone already knows that I am compulsive. A compulsive shopper that is but now I am also obsessive. Obsessed about what you ask? The computer! Between IM, email, and now blogging I am pretty much glued to this 17 inch screen. Our computer is in our living room so it is very easily accessible, maybe a little too accessible, and every time I here a ding or a dong I am running to it to see who is signing in and I pounce on them like a wild hungry cat. I am sure people have used the word stocker when referring to me. I am pretty sure people mark there sign to "away" just to avoid the girl with no life who sits on the computer all day. Sometimes I have 5 conversations going at once and it is a race against myself to keep up with all them. Sad that this is my most outstanding achievement these days. Now this whole Blog think is taking up all my days. I don't know how many times a day I am searching everyone's blogs for new posts. I am like a drug addict looking for her next fix. Thanks to all your awesome blogs my house is even messier then usual, my baby's diaper stays stinky a little longer, meal time has become anything that can be warmed in the microwave, and so on and so forth. My husband thinks that my cheeks have been crazy glued to my computer chair. Maybe if he peeled me off some of the excessive excessiveness would stay glue to the chair and I could cross pilates off the list of things I need to do each day. That would be nice. Anyway this new obsession is becoming a problem because I get absolutely nothing done every day. Today I was gabbing away to my brother when I realized it was 2pm and I had to go get Addison from school, and I was still in my pj's and so were both the kids. Good thing for the drop off zone.....I don't even need to get out of my car. A blessing for a lazy mom like me. Not brushing your hair is in these days right?


At 4:36 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

Ding, Dong, Blogger calling!

You are hillarious once again. I always look forward to your posting!

Don't let anyone rip your cheeks off of the chair, we enjoy you too much!

Speaking of was a real bummer when your comment link was out of commission, I tried everyday.

At 4:59 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Girl - I am right there with you! I am always on my computer - when Jeff comes home he goes right to the computer room b/c he knows that is where I am! It's pretty sad. Why are we so obsessed?!? I need to go mop my floor! Hasn't been done in weeks!

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the glued-to-the-computer club too! What messenger do you use? ~~amanda (remember me? if not, just blame Kelly for me being here. :))


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