Who let the blogs out?
For the first time all day the house is quit. I love bed time, it is my favorite time of day. When the kids are sleeping, Ben is busy at work making me lots of money and I get to sit down for some one on one time with my computer. What am I saying......I have one on one time with my computer most of the day. Well now I have QUITE one on one time with my computer. So I read in a friends blog, that he read in some article or something, that blog is becoming one of the most common household names. I believe that! Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think that I would be obsessed with such a stupid word. I mean blog? What does it even stand for? I wrote it out and tried to brainstorm but nothing sounded good. All I could come up with was baby loves orange games, and that if it was a phone number it would be 2564 but that makes no sense. So I am giving up and going on with the rest of my blog. So anyway I have lost count of the number of times and ways that the world blog goes through my head in a given day. write a blog, read a blog, I am going to go blogging, I love to blog, did you read that other bloggers blog, how many bloggers does it take to screw in a light bulb? See what I mean. I am starting to get sick of that word, yet I cannot stop thinking about it or saying it. Now when I yell at my kids I say you better get your blogging butt down here in 5 blogging minutes or I am going to spank the blog out of you! I say to my hubby I love you so bloggen much. You scared the blog out of! Its out of control. Now I even have the song "Might as well face it....I'm addicted to blog!" going through my head. I don't know what to do. Will this blogging sickness pass. Will it be like puberty and I will just have to grow out of it...or into it? Will I stop writing blogs in my sleep. Today every thought I had through out the day I was re-writing into a blog. I am having a shower and in my head I am blogging "don't you just hate when your shaving your legs and.........." then I am changing a dirty diaper and my blog continues "diapers are a very stinky subject in my house...." and I just blog along through the day. blog blog blog! What will my grave stone say when I die? "she came! she saw! she blogged?" I just put blog into the google search and did you know there is a blog directory called blogarama where you can have you blog listed. that is just blogragous. What next a young girl will meet a young guy at a bar and say, "hey I'll show you my blog if you show me yours? " You know the old saying "two blogs are better then one" I bet there is even a dog out there who has recently been named blog. He is blog the dog, or the blog dog. bloggy doggy. Now I am just being silly. Well it is getting late and this little blogger is going to bed! So I bid you a good-blogging night. Blog you later! Catch you on the blog side! See you later blogerater...in awhile blogadial. OK thats about blogenough already!
p.s.-this spell check should be very interesting!
p.s.s.- ok this is so pathetic. I originally titled this blog "Blog Much?" shut my computer down for the night , swept the left overs from a bag of chips that Corben had dumped on the floor before he went to bed, and was heading up the stairs to my own bed when I thought of the new ,better, and existing titel to this blog. So I came back downstairs, re-started the computer and edited this blog. Then actually got excited because I could add a "p.s.s." I am one dedicated blogger! Goodnight! (for real this time!)

Once again you are hilarious! I shouldn't have told you about this! You are making my blog look bloody boring! By the way - did you notice I got Jeff reading them too! :)
I know I have officially reached the "off-season" for my team when I spend 15 minutes reading my friends blog spots. Once again this was funny - you sound like a Jerry Seinfeld routine. Keep up the good work I have til Febuary before my girl's spring season starts!
It's been a hard days night, and I've been working on my blog.
It's been a hard days night, and I've been dreaming of your blog.
But when I get to your url
You always make me laugh girl
And you make me feel alright...
Good blog,I was up till 2 looking at blog skins from web sites with corny sayings like,"Show us some skin"
It's a blog eat blog world, out there!
You might think Alyssa is exaggerating a little about how blogging has affected her life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. SHE IS NOT! Although, it has given her an outlet to fill my absence...it now takes up time in my presence. Does anyone know a good blog therapist? HELP! Oh yeah...before blogging it was IMing, which she still dabbles in.
Sorry Ben, no sympathy here. I think her behaviour is perfectly normal.
In fact it's not even uncommon for a blogger to pause while they are intimate with their spouse and run to the computer with arms flailing in the air, yelling, "Oh, oh, this is going to make a hilarious blog"?
Alyssa, make sure you send me the URL to the secret, "I've got more things to post about Ben blog"
Get your bloggin *** back to the computer, we are waiting for our daily post.
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