Ticked off!
This morning I posted a blog and the computer started acting up and apparently it got lost in internet space because it is not on my blog or anywhere else to be found. I am so mad. So I will try and remember some of the stuff I wrote. I started by telling everyone how I had the best day yesterday! Why you ask? Let me sum it up in one glorious word....SHOPPING! My niece is staying with us for a few weeks and I am beginning to think she is my clone, only younger. We hit the outlet mall and had a blast! First I would like to announce the birth of a new store in the mall. I was pleasantly surprised to pull up and find a brand new Children's Place outlet! The kids took turns trying on the new spring line and modeling it for grandma. I ended up getting all their Eater outfits there today. Addison got an cute pink stripped skirt with a matching pink Berea style hat, and a pink tank top. Camryn got a light green linen dress with white sash. Corben got a pair of white dress shorts, a blue short sleeve linen button up, and argyle sweater vest with matching argyle socks, and a white golf hat to top it off. Can you just picture the cuteness here? Then my niece and I went on to a more trendy store and ended up buying the same outfit. Is it odd that a 13 year old and a 30 year old have matching outfits? Am I trying to be younger or is she trying to be older? Probably a little bit of both! We got a moss green long flowery, beachy tiered skirt with a matching green tank and a pink tank layered over that. We had fun joking about how we could get pics of us holding hands skipping down the beach in our matching duds. I also got a killer swim suit from Ralph Lauren! I was on my shopping height for the rest of the day. I don't know what it is about shopping that just puts me on cloud nine! When we got home home we suited up and headed for the beach for the last few hours of rays. Can you ask for a better day?
Sunday was Camryn's birthday. She is 4 now, can you believe it. Ben told her that she was not aloud to turn four and must remain three for the rest of her life. She told us that we could not stop her....go figure? She has a party booked with all her little friends next week but on her birthday we went on a whale watching cruise. It was pretty cool. We had a mama and baby whale swimming along with our ship and it was like they were putting a performance on for us. Who needs Sea World when you have the real thing in their natural habitat. It was amazing! I got my hair cut and colored today and I love love love it! I got highlights and lowlights and more chunky then usual. I just got a trim on the length and she flat ironed it. It is pretty hot if I do say so myself. Ok enough girl talk for today. I am sure you guys were real impressed with all the shopping details. Almost feels like you were right there with me!