Friday, June 06, 2008

Has it really been 5 months???

Wow time flies when you are a wife, and mother of four, and running your own business, and keeping up with all my shows, and trying to work out so that I don't look as old as I am, and running kids to all their events, and hosting dinner parties, and camping, and cleaning , and laundry, and and and. So before you all get on my case for not jotting down a few words lets remember that there is only so much one women can handle. Okay yes there has been a few moments where I probably could have sat down and shared my thoughts but sometimes I am just plain lazy. SO where do I start. I feel like I am always starting my blogs that way lately. How about this. How about I try to make it my summer goal to blog more. Maybe then Kelly will put me back on her blog roll since apparently she to has given up on me and kicked me off to make room for some more important people who actually blog....go figure.
So instead of going back 5 months and recapping I will just share the latest and greatest and go backwards until I run out of thoughts. So the newest and biggest and bestest thing happened yesterday. That was the day that my wonderful husband was convince, or more like put under my spell by the blinking of my blue eyes, and purse-waded that I don't just want but absolutely NEED this purse:

Take a moment to revel in all of it's gloriousness!!! I somehow convinced my husband that this was not just any purse, but an investment in my future. It just happens to be the same color as my photography business website and in creating an image for myself and my business I needed this to be my signature purse. Makes complete and total sense right? Okay so maybe that was not the reason my husband finally broke down. It was probably all the whining, and feet stomping, and telling him how this purse would make me even more fabulous then I already am, and if I am fabulous then everyone is happy. I also had to forgo any birthday money (for the next 10 years), and go several weeks without nagging.(that one might be hard to uphold) Luckily my husband suffers from long term memory loss and will never remember all these little deals I made. I practically signed over my left kidney but it was worth it.
Summer break officially start today so we should all stop for a moment of prayer. "Dear Lord Please turn my children into little angels for the next 6 weeks. Let there yes be yeses and there no's be non existent. Let mommy keep her sanity and not get any new grey hairs. Oh and Lord thank you for my new purse! Amen"Okay you might need to come back and pray that one every day, just to make sure....
Actually I am excited about summer break. I will be spending many many hours at the beach, and the water park, and look forward to late mornings, and hopefully laid back days.Goals for the summer.......1. book lots of weddings and photo shoots. 2. get Camryn to perfect riding a bike on two wheels so we can start riding bikes to school in the fall. Yes she is 7. We have failed her as parents. 3. get a great tan 4. lose 5 more pounds 5. get good at surfing. 6.keep my patients with my children and enjoy them! 7. stop making goals for summer, this is supposed to be vacation.
My little Corby will be starting kindergarten this year. Obviously he did not follow my strict rules of not being allowed to grow up. Kids....... they never listen these days. I am looking forward to being down to just one child home all day but I am going to miss my little cuddle bug. When the girls started Kindergarten it seemed like they should be but he just seems so little and and he should stay home a few more years.
Well after 4 years of living in Hawaii we finally broke down and bought a surf board. Now that we have gotten to the point where we can actually stand up and ride it I am bummed that we wasted four years of surf time. It is allot of fun and a great way to spend the day out in the water. In the last couple of weeks we have gotten the girls into it as well. They took lessons and picked it up much better and sooner then we did. They make it look so easy as they pop up and ride every wave. I to rode every wave to the shore, I just happened to ride in and under the wave upside down. I am starting to get half way decent at it and hope to perfect my skills over the summer. We got the girls the cutest little surf board ever, check it out:
Okay it is taking forever to load so you are just going to have to see it on my facebook.
I am getting really excited about my photography Business. We have revamped my website and am really hoping to take it to the next level. I have always treated my business as a hobby and now I want to make it a career. I am taking some photoshop classes and am constantly learning new tricks and techniques. I love what I do and I want to be the best I can be so I am going to dive into this head first and hope to become even more successful this year. I also have to give a shout out to The [b] school blog. Becker is a very successful photographer who has decided to pay it forward and is launching an online site for upcoming photographers to learn to grow their business and network with other photographers. It is really great and I am so excited about it. he has really been motivating me lately.

Addison turned 9 last week. Where does the time go? We had a really fun mommy daughter day filled with Starbucks, and shopping, and hair salons, and we had so much fun! She is sporting the cutest little haircut. We went to Borders and flipped through hair mags and decided on Katie Holmes bob with bangs. Too cute! With three siblings she does not get allot of one on one, and let me say she thrives on being center of attention(the apple does not fall far from the tree). It was a fabulous day.
Londyn continues to give me a run for my money. She to is sporting a new hairdo except her's was created by herself. yes Londyn has taken scissors to her hair, not once, not twice, but THREE times now. She has little hairs sticking out everywhere. I have to wear her hair up in pigtails and spray down all the little sprigs every day to try and mask the disaster that has become her hair. I will continue this until it grows out unless my prayers come true and the mullet makes a come back!
Londyn is also sporting some princess panties these days and for the first time in our married lives we are diaper free! You know what that means, all the money we are saving on diapers can be used to pay off bills. just kidding....more shopping!
Ben is loving his new job out of the military. He is three classes away from his MBA. We will be so excited when that is over and done with. He also has been keeping busy designing websites for a few different companies ( as well as mine), I don't know how he does all he does and still finds time to be the best husband and dad. Okay yes I am still working him for the new Coach purse, but he really is good to me.
Okay I am going to stop here before i write a whole novel. I promise not to go 5 more months without writing again. Happy summer vacation to you all!