Well moving day has finally arrived. I know I should have done a Christmas update but I have been all to consumed with moving and planning for the new house. So lets do a quick recap and get on with the important things in life....
Christmas was great. It was actually the best Christmas we have had in Hawaii. I think it is because I finally gave up the idea of being at home and participating in the big family gatherings and realized that because we live so far away and cannot afford to fly our whole family home every year it was time to start our own family traditions. I realized that instead of mourning the events I was missing back home I needed to be making memories for my children. So with a change in attitude we enjoyed a nice intimate Christmas with my family. I was going to put quite but then had to go back and erase it because it is never quite around here. We have always opened Christmas presents on Christmas eve after a home made spaghetti dinner. So we have continued the tradition with our family. We open everything but the big Santa gifts that come the next morning. Usually one big thing for each kid and then stockings. So as usual the kids were spoiled beyond belief. When did we go from getting a new tea set or coloring book to getting digital cameras, and hundreds of dollars in gaming systems and games? It is crazy! So the kids got the wii which have to say is money well spent. That little machine is going to bring hours of fun family time to our home. We have not played it too much yet because it is hard to play around all the boxes piled up in our living room. However I cannot wait to get settled in the new house and start having daily tennis matches. I love that it gets the kids off the couch and interacting...self included! The girls each got a digital camera (following in mommy's footsteps), Corben got a Nintendo DS, and Londyn got a sand and water play table, which she loves! I got a new Coach purse. My first Coach purse FINALLY! I was so excited. We made a very yummy Christmas dinner with ham, and all the trimmings.
For New Years we did more of the same. Ben had to work so the kids and I baked a lasagna. Ok we didn't really bake it we took it out of the box and put it in the oven, but to me that is some good home cooking. After dinner we went outside and shot off some fireworks that I had bought the kids. Nothing major but it was fun. We then came in and watched the Movie Meet the Robinson's. It was cute. Just when the movie Ben called and surprised us by saying he was done with work and on his way home! SO he mad It home by 11. So in Hawaii people go crazy and I mean completely nuts with fireworks. It is perfectly to fire them off right in your front yard so people spend hundreds of dollars and shoot them off all day and night. It started at about 4 in the afternoon and did not stop until 4 in the morning. It looked and sounded like a war zone in our neighborhood. I of course think it is ridiculous to waste all that money on fireworks when you could be spending it at the Gap so at midnight we just went out in our back yard and enjoyed a free 350' show of all our neighbors fireworks. I am telling you for 30 minutes straight in every single direction there were sparks flying. It was amazing. We bought the kids some fake champagne (sparkling grape juice) so we popped that open and the kids all had a champagne glass to drink as they watched the show. They were so cute!
Ok so now that we have all the holiday stuff out of the way lets move on to the here and now. I have spend the last week packing up all our household goods...AGAIN! In our 9 years of marriage Ben and I have moved 6 times. Now this would not be so bad if I was one of those people who just realised we were not going to be in this home forever so not to bother decorating the house and painting every room. But I am not one of those people. I am the person who paints every room the first week we are in the house. I make sure that their bedding is the exact same shade that is on the walls, and all the rooms coordinate, and that there is never an empty spot on the walls, ect, ect! Even when we lived in base housing I painted every room knowing that in two years I had to paint everything back before we moved out. I can't help it, I cannot stand white walls. I need my home to feel homey and I am not willing to sacrifice that just because we had to move around allot. So once again I have all my paint colors picked out and all the kids rooms are perfectly coordinated and I can't wait to get started. Addison is getting her own room and she is so excited. Londyn and Camryn will become room mates, and one benefit of Corben being the only boy, he to will have his own room. I will post pictures on facebook as soon as we get it all done. We get our keys tomorrow morning and let the fun begin. Ok maybe fun is not the perfect word, but I love to decorate a new place. I find it so rewarding to sit down and enjoy a room after you have worked so hard to make it perfect. So needless to say I am so excited!
I would love to stay and chat but I have much to much to do today! Once I get organised I will try and be a better blogger. Remember way back in the day when my blogs used to be funny. I would love to get back to that one day. For now I have decorating to do! ta ta!