Practically famous
I have spent the last two days on two different sets taping Lost and a movie called Forgetting Sarah Marshal, and I have got to say I could get very used to this lfe. I have never made such easy money. Of course I can't act to save my life but this extra stuff is a peice of cake. Basically you do allot of sitting around waiting for them to set stuff up, do 10 minutes of shooting and then sit around some more. Oh and the food! A buffet table of every snack you can imagine. Of course I have absolutly no shame and stuff my purse full of everything I can before I go home. Just so you know I have a BIG purse! My kids will have great lunches this week.
Lost was a pool scene set in the 80's in England. I was thinking "get paid to lay by the pool all day and work on my tan." Not so!
Apparently the director had an "in" with "The Big Guy" because it was a cold and rainy day and it felt way more like England then Hawaii. Also after cleaning up my childrens throw up for two days the inevitable happened and fever started setting in half way through the day making it feel even wetter and colder outside. Luckily becuase there wer kids in the scene it was not a really long day, and I was able to come home and crawl into bed. That is where I stayed for the rest of the day and night.
I woke up the next morning feeling great and had a call time of 1pm. This scene was an upscale wedding in Hawaii. I of course had to go shopping for a new dress, because I just did not have anything suitable in my whole closet. I headed staright for , you guessed it, Banana and got the cutest little dress ever. I mean so cute that I was afraid I looked too cute and would outdo the bride cute. And when i say little dress I mean little as in size 4. insert cloud 9! Size 4! Can you even believe it?? i am still pinching myself. So I got to the set filled out all the paperwork, went through wardrobe hair and makeup and met a whole bunch of fun girls. The shotting only took three hours and we got paid for 8. I think I got a really good shot because I was standing right behind the lead actor (jason Segel from how I met your mother) in the reception line. So this is my claim to fame. My two second in the spot light. Once we wrapped I stuffed my purse full of more goodies and went to the pool bar with a few of the extras. The Mai ties were tasting pretty good! Unfortunatly there was not a limo ride home in my contract so I could only have a couple. Then we all went out for diner on the North Shore, an had my favorite spinach quesaldias. Fun day!
Well the kids are all jumping on my bed begging to go to Hawaiian waters. So I guess we are off to the waterslides today! Have a great weekend!

How cool that you get to do that so often.
very cool! don't forget to let me know when the show airs this time, because I don't actually watch Lost!
How fun! I always thought it'd be fun to be an extra!
I got to stop reading your blogs!! Your killing me - you are in a film and T.V. show, get free food and live in Hawaii. Ughhhh
Totally agreeing with Jeff right now. I decorated my cubicle to look like Hawaii, you live there and get to drink mai tais near movie stars. *sigh*
How lucky are you!!! I would love to do stuff like that.
you are such a rock star! do post pics of the dress!!!
Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Did you get to meet Russell Brand then?
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