Sunday, November 05, 2006

5 seconds of fame!

Are you sitting down for this one, because this news is big! In fact it is so big that most of you already know because I had to call everyone in person! Last Thursday my husband and I got to be extras on the show LOST! As I am sure you know it is all filmed on the island. My husband and I are always keeping our eye out to run into one of the cast members when ever we are out and about. I guess we did one better and got ourselves on the show. One of the mom's at my girls school had her baby play baby Aaron in a couple of the episodes. Well the casting director called her and told her they needed white people to play a flashback scene to England. So she gave me the casting directors number and I of course called right away. She said she was looking for adults so I told her myself and my husband would be interested. So she had me email a picture to her and she called me the next morning and asked if we could work on Thursday! Heck ya we can! SO we arranged child care for everyone and got on the set at 8:30 Thursday morning. We had to meet at this parking lot downtown that was full of trailers and what not. Not exactly ritzy or anything. We got signed in and then sat in the breakfast tent waiting to find out what to do next. Over an hour later they called us back to wardrobe and got us all in to character. From there we went to hair and makeup, and then we sat in the breakfast tent for another hour. It was pouring down rain outside so apparently that was slowing down production a little, however it worked well because it always rains in England. Soon after that they loaded us up in vans and brought us over to the set they would be shooting at. It was a little English pub down town. We were basically going to be the people in the background at the bar while they were shooting the scene. The flashback scene was for Ian. You may know him as Desmond on the show but after rubbing noses with him all day we are on a first name basis. Just kidding. Yes we did get to hang with him for most of the day, and he ate lunch with the rest of us and what not, but he is very quite and to himself and I had to pretend to not act star struck the whole time, so I just sort of ignored him in order to not make a fool out of myself. Now lets just say if the scene would have been with Mathew Fox they would have had to keep yelling cut as I was dry humping his leg every time he walked by. So the cool thing is once you have been an extra they will keep calling you back for more episode. Some of the people there had been on up to 6 times. However since finding out about being an extra we have been paying more attention to the extras while watching Lost and have noticed that they usually blur out the background. You can tell there are people there but you cannot tell who they are. But gosh darn it when you see that blur that blur will be me! It was cool just being there and getting to see how everything worked behind the scenes. For example we ended up shooting until 1:30am and in the end there is probably about 5-10 minutes of actual footage that will be in the episode. It is crazy all the attention to detail, and everything they do. I was bummed out that we were not aloud to bring cameras. So this is my 5 seconds of fame, and hopefully I will be able to do it again in the future. I will let you know when it is about to air but this week is the season finally, and they are taking a few months off before they air the second half of season three so it will not be until January or so. Email me your address if you want me to send you an autographed picture! JK!


At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You GUYS are so lucky as if living in Hawaii is not enough now your on LOST Im so jealous for sure let us know when your on I'll be watching for you.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Amber said...

Oh my goodness! What a cool opportunity!!! Were you at least wearing clothes that will stand out even if you are a blur??

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Alyssa said...

don't forget to check out my cuties down below. I finally got there Halloween pics uploaded!

At 4:14 AM, Blogger a tall sassy gal said...

Wow that is so cool. By the way I came from Allison's blog. I was just in Hawaii for 9 days in August. One of my best friends husband is a marine so we stayed with them. I have some pics up on my site. I am so ready to go back.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Lynne said...

Congratulations! Soon you'll be movie stars and Texas won't be good enough for ya! Have fun with this one. How exciting and different.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger my life is brilliant said...

That's so awesome! I have family in Hawaii, and my cousin has seen the LOST stars out a few times -- once even at the bowling alley.

Definitely let us know when that show airs! I'll have to watch!

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your cuties are adorable!

That is SO fun to be on a show - especially one you love so much!

I can't believe how many opportunities are in Austin for that. You're right it's neat to see how they do it. Even if it means watching the same scene over and over :) . Last month they were filming a Quentin Tarantino movie (Grindhouse) down the street. Too bad I don't like him!!


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