Monday, August 08, 2005

Funeral Crashers!

I was all excited last night when I was in bed before ten and was finally going to catch up on some much needed sleep. I was doing great until I woke up at 3am from a terrible nightmare. I dreamt that my husband had died of some weird natural causes and we went through the funeral proceedings and everything, and the whole time I felt pretty numb. The about two weeks later everything was a blur, I could not remember what our last words to each other were, and I totally lost it. It seemed up to this point that it may not be real and he was just away with work but then reality set in and I went into shock thinking he would never be coming home again. By the time I woke up I had tears streaming down my face like Niagara Falls, my heart was beating faster the a race horse at the Kentucky Derby, And I was breathing harder then a hooker on a busy night. I quickly turned over to see my husband sleeping peacefully beside me, but still had trouble coming back to reality. It all felt so weird. So I wake Ben up and make him snuggle me just to make sure it is real. So I told him what happened and he held me as I tried to fall back asleep. The key word here is tried. Only this time It was not my racing heart that kept me awake it was my frisky husband. The nerve I thought. Taking advantage of a heart broken widow. A widow to vulnerable to fight back, and to fearful of being lonely. I had no choice but to accept my fate. So needless to say I did not wake up and feel all refreshed and well rested. I will try again tonight.

Time for some updates: Addison's play went really well and of course she was the cutest little bird on stage. Soon she will be smoozing with the Hollywood big names and be engaged to Tom Cruise. Here is a pic of our little cutie!

Also Rufus has been accessorized! He has a brown with white polk-a-dot dog purse to be carried around in. Then we got my favorite new accessory, his own little chase lounge. I am also looking for a diamond personalized dog collar. I almost bought him the cutest pair of puppy overalls but I figured it is probably too hot for him to wear them here.

My niece is visiting us for a month from Texas and we have been taking full advantage of having a 14 year old baby sitter around. Thursday night I went with my favorite diva friend to dinner and a movie. We were in the mood for a good laugh so we decided to go see Wedding Crashers. It was the funniest movie I have ever seen. My stomach hurt when I left the theater because I laughed so hard. It was a little crude, and I found myself saying, "no he did not just say that!" But he did and it made me laugh even harder! If you have not seen that movie yet it is a must see. In fact I loved it so much that I went again on Saturday so my husband could see it. He laughed just as much as I did! We also went and ate at the cheesecake factory on Saturday before the movie with another couple friends of ours. I just love hanging in out in Waikiki at night. It just feels like you are on vacation with everyone else as you are sipping (non-alcoholic:( ) drinks with the little umbrella and a fresh flower as you overlook the water. Dinner was great and I ate until I could hardly move,and then added a chocolate raspberry truffle cheese cake for dessert.

This weekend was friends and family weekend at the Gap. I went with my little certificate in hand and hit the jackpot! I got 3 new bras, two skirts (for after the pregnancy), a pair of pants, 5 scarf/belts, a pair of shoes, something for each kid and a pair of flip flops for my husband all for $150. Gotta love a great sale! I just can't wait to get back down to me regular size so I can wear it all!

Our house has been finished and we get to do the final walk through on Thursday. We are excited to see the final product! Now we just have to finalize all the paper work and are looking at a move in date of late September.

Well I think that is it for now. I have a full day of house cleaning ahead....


At 10:36 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Very proud of Ben - you have very few free chances as a hubby for an easy kissy fest and apparently the man took advantage! I'm in total shock over a bag/lounge chair/ and collar for a gerbal look a like dog. I have to admit whatever animal that is in the pics - it is cute. I want to see wedding crashers sooo bad! Glad to hear its good! Tell Addison "great job ". Are you sure you have a walk thru on that date? I mean no one would ever get the dates wrong on a walk thru?

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Lynne said...

I'm glad my question was finally answered about your move-in date. I guess you probably didn't know it till recently. AND how do you know that you will get back down to your regular size? If you do, please please please tell me your secret. I bet it's because you are having all your kids in your twenties . . . right right??

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Alyssa said...

Jeff- haha very funny. I will be sure to double and triple check on that date.

Lynne- I know I am going to get back down to my old size because I amnot going to stand for anything less. I have done it three times so far and I WILL do it again. It is going to be allot of blood sweat and tears though.

At 5:24 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

That chaise lounge is way too much - oh my goodness! You crack me up!

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't "cuddle" without getting something started! :)

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

I love the line, "Breathing harder than a hooker on a busy night." You are so funny!

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Kirk Wimberley said...

My, this is getting a little racy! I'll have to make sure Karissa never reads your blog and learns of your sex life! HA! Ladies, you should just accept it as OBVIOUS that if you're naked under the covers with the lights out and the kids asleep and you start to much more of an invitation could you give?!?! I've also heard that movie is GREAT. As for your little furry animal...all I can do is shake my head!

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Alyssa said...

Who said I was naked????

At 4:13 AM, Blogger Mrs. Architect said...

You crack me up! Between "breathing harder then a hooker on a busy night" and your hubby not letting you get back to sleep, I was laughing out loud!

Oh the puppy! It is SOO cute! And the chaise lounger!! I.WANT.ONE! Check this site out for collars

$150 for all that!! What an awesome deal. How jealous am I?? Everytime I read your posts I think...seriously....were we separated at birth!?!?!

At 4:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Kirk's mind you were naked ...

At 4:53 AM, Blogger Kirk Wimberley said...

How big of you to post an "Anonymous" comment. :) I simply assumed EVERYONE slept in the nude...

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

We went to that exact Cheesecake Factory while we honeymooned in Waikiki! We stayed at the Hale Koa (the military resort), it was amazing. What a beautiful place to live (and I'm sure your niece is totally eating it up, despite the babysitting!)

You have such a beautiful family! I followed Allison's advice to come check your blog out. We just found out we're pregnant on Tuesday- Wow! My husband is in the military as well, which is why Allison said to see how much we have in common.

At 7:51 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

What the heck... Kirk your killing me with your assumptions! Kelly could have an astronauts suit on and sometimes I would wellll cuddle with her.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Alyssa said...

Kirk-I did not post an annonamous comment. I do not know who said that.

Jeff-you are right Krik "asumes" quite a bit, but thats part of what we love about him right?

Allison- I think we may have been sepreated at birth only I was born 5 years before you. So maybe in 5 years you will have 4 kids and live in Hawaii, with a dog and a chase lounge.

Girl From Florida- sounds like we have allot in common. Welcome to my blog, and congrats on the new baby!

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

So Allison is younger than you - didnt you just turn 42?

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that anonomous comment was me.



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