Friday, May 13, 2005

Get Off My Back!!!

Ok all you folks who are complaining about my lack of blogs....let me see you spend your days and nights trying to hold down vomit and let me know how inspired you are to get on the computer to type out a blog. While you are lying there trying to keep the vomit down, get three kids to jump all over you like a jungle gym because they are tired of watching tv for 6 hours. Besides that I have not left my house in a month and I spend everyday either lying in my bed or on the couch. So I am pretty sure that if I wrote a blog every day for thirty days about how sick I feel, how my house is a mess, and that once again I layed around ALL day counting the hours go by until I can end another day you would get pretty board, and Sour Milk would start looking pretty good. So people once you have lived 30 plus days in my shoes or shall I say pj's then I will gladly listen to your complaints...Capiesh?


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right you have got me beat.. I had 9 months of feeling like crap even on the top dosage of Anti nausea meds plus all those needles in my tummy but I didnt have 3 kids jumping on me... Does this being the last pregnancy for you help at all? Hopefully youll start to feel better once your 2nd trimester kicks in. Good Luck and Best Thoughts to you.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I know how ya feel - I'm pretty sure I got a nasty lil sinus headache starting so the next couple of minutes/hours I may have some discomfort. I just wish more people would have an understanding of what its like to actually have to go through pregnancy. I mean I don't but these headaches can be discomforting so I imagine we're in the same boat? Right? ...Right?....Anyone out there?... Anyone agree??... Crap, maybe I'm wrong!

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there,

Popped over the airwaves and noticed your lovely new blog - I recognised Darlene's handiwork immediately.

Congratulations on the pregnancy but I am sorry about the nausea. Even though it has been a long time since I had my last baby (13 years in fact), things like that are well imprinted in your mind.

You like on that sofa and don't feel like you have to blog - it will be practice for when the baby comes.

Bless you.

PS I never did go and see the film Closer - thanks for the tip. I still love the theme tune though!

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Kirk Wimberley said...

I'm sorry you're so nauseated, but at least you don't have a sinus headache! WHEW! That would be horrible!

At 4:46 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Kirk - your funny actually made me laugh out loud! Cute!

Sorry Alyssa - I hope you are better before July!!!! :)


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