Wednesday, January 05, 2005

When my life flashed before my eyes!

Have you ever had one of those near death experiences? Well I have and I decided that enough time has passed, and I am able to share this tragic story with you. It all started three months ago when I awoke one morning with a giant growth on my bottom lip. This growth was red, scabby, and very itchy. Turns out the medical term for this lesion is herpes simplex one or more commonly known as a cold sore. I would not know this however because I have never had one of these before. So of course I did what every women living in these times would do....I got on the internet to do some self diagnosing and treatment. Reading through page after page of formation I learned that there is no known cause for cold sores and they usually last about a week. All this information taken in I decided to blame it on my husband who just returned for a deployment from a third world country and had surly picked up some retched disease. So I locked myself in my room and away from the public eye where I planned to reside for the next week. Two days into my retreat I got word that my grandmother had gotten very ill and was hospitalized and I flew home directly to see her. I packed my bags and my giant lip and I got on the plane. I am pretty sure people were pointing and staring but I can not say that I blame them. I tried to keep my head down and avoid all the weird looks. So my plan to stay out of the public eye failed miserably and instead I had to greet my family members, and all my moms long lost high school friends who now worked in the hospital and had not seen me since I was a baby. Now I look almost thirty, and pregnant, only the baby was growing in my bottom lip. I was hoping from a distance I would look like I had volumtuous Pamela Anderson lips, but was pretty sure that wasn't working for me. Especially since when I smiled it would crack open and bright red blood would spurt out like a trigger happy water gun. So I spent days by my grandmothers bedside with a blood speckled kleenex held up to my mouth at all times. I think the nursing staff was beginning to think that I was the one who needed to be admitted and operated on ASAP. So days went by and I began to do the math and the ever growing ever painful cold sore has gone past the 3-7 days that the internet had promised me it would leave by. In fact it was pushing on two weeks and I was becoming increasingly concerned. I made A Dr appointment strait away and he gave me some cold sore medication to take both orally and topically. This was sure to do the trick.
That night my mind got to wandering and all these thoughts started to run through my head. I woke up straight away and could not wait to call my husband and get him to do some research on skin cancer on the old faithful internet. Of course there was a 5hour time difference so I paced the floor and let my mind race around till 6am his time when I could not wait any longer and called him. He looked up some information, and I made him read it to me over the phone. What I heard hit me like a ton of bricks. I was now going on day 14 of my new found not so friend, and he reads "lip cancer often gets diagnosed by a cold sore that does not go away. It will bleed often, ect ect." Every line he read was exactly the symptoms I was having. My heart sank and I burst out in tears and told everyone that I was going to die. Yeah go ahead call me a drama queen. So I sit there contemplating my entire life, and my new life with cancer treatments. Me being the vain person that I am was having a harder time getting over the fact that I might loose my hair then that I might die. Yeah I know, you never hear of a person dying from skin cancer but I could be one of the few. I am pretty sure, well fairly sure, that eventually when facing my end days I would become more concerned about dying then my hair loss, but I was not at that point yet. My family members tried to encourage me and tell me that it had probably lasted so long because of stress, or possibly the fact that I was constantly picking at it, but I was sure that my days were numbered. I started taking inventory of my prize possessions and started dividing them out between my friends and loved ones. I was swinging goods like a dealer at a strip poker game. Making a list of all the things I wanted to do before I die. A few more days went by and gradually the cold sore got smaller and smaller. Apparently I am like a cat and have 9 lives because it eventually went away and my oversized lip turned back to normal. My brush with death gave me a new outlook on life and I was going to start living life to the fullest. Then a few more days went by and I went back to me usual self who takes most of my blessing for granted.


At 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing - I have no other words for this blog - amazing. The description of the blood squirting out of your lip gets me very excited for lunch in a few hours. My gosh your one funny person!


At 7:26 AM, Blogger Alyssa said...

Wow Jeff Trimble saying I a funny person is quite the compliment considering you are one of the funniest people I know. Especially when you and Josh get togeather, then it is non stop jokes. Anyway thanks for the compliment. At least I think it was a compliment????

At 7:52 AM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

That was classic literature at it's finest. Smack dab in the middle of the story...

~Now I look almost thirty, and pregnant, only the baby was growing in my bottom lip. I was hoping from a distance I would look like I had volumtuous Pamela Anderson lips, but was pretty sure that wasn't working for me. Especially since when I smiled it would crack open and bright red blood would spurt out like a trigger happy water gun.~

This story was ingenious, you have the talent to make one little sore on a lip an entire captivating essay. When I read your blogs I don't get bored regardless of whether they are short or long.

Save each story, you will probably want to compile them in a book someday, and you should.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Elaine said...

That was my favorite clip too! EEWW! But great story writing. Alyssa . . . I am a friend of Darlene's too and was wondering if I could link to you from my site?

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alyssa, believe it or not, when you get cold sores like that, the only cure is to have frequent sex with your husband. The endorphines that are released contain some sort of natural steroid agent that fights the herpes simplex 1 virus and reduces the time to just 2-3 days. It also works as a great prevention too. Just follow the 72-hour sex rule at a bare minimum and you should never get a cold sore again. I'm not a doctor, but I have seen ER a time or two.


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