Friday, November 12, 2004


OK so we are on a boat in the middle of the ocean,( not quite middle but you get the drift), when all of a sudden there is a huge tug at the pole! I strap in and start reeling in with all my might, when the line snaps! But wait just as the last of the line starts threading out the end of the rod I grab it and start pulling the fish in by hand! BUT THEN...........I wake up, because I fell asleep from boredom on the boat b/c we did not see one single fish or even have a nibble. Oh wait that is a lie, we did catch a ziplock bag once, but that was the highlight of the day. So we basically took a real expensive 8 hour boat ride. I was so bummbed. Now I still can't say I have been deep sea fishing, b/c I don't think it counts if there are no fish involved. "Apparently" this is the first time in their history that this has ever happened! (what ever!) The good news is that no one on the boat got sea sick including myself. Or maybe that was the problem b/c there was nothing to attract the fish. Better luck next time I guess. I did get a good tan!


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