Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Well I think I finally found the perfect preschool for Corben. I went and met with the director today and she was so sweet. They have a full class for the fall but apparently one of the families might be moving and that would give Corben a spot. I really hope it works out because he could really use some boy interaction. Also it would be great for him to have some friends his own age. It is also a Christian preschool so he would be having those values reiterated, which I think is wonderful. Also I spoke with the girl's principal to the school I am trying to get a geographical acception to and he said they could fit them in. After having a full house this year it will be so weird to have some one on one time with Londyn. I really think the kids are going to enjoy the interaction at school as well. Speaking of school I should get back to homeschooling. Just wanted to share some of my good news for the day!


At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to you I know how hard it is to find just the right place but gut feelings never seem you let you down. I cant believe Corbin is going to Playschool already, crazy how time flys.

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I'm so impressed that you made it through the year homeschooling. I'm pulling my hair out with just two!!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Okay - I just read all the drama from below - what is up with that??

Anyways - I am glad your kids will get to go to school. I think they will love it and you will LOVE spending some alone time with Londyn. It is wonderful!

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Colleen Salter said...

That is just so good that you found good places for them to attend. I'm sure that you will the extra time. I worry about where I am going to send my kids because it seems like there is so much more to worry about these days. Have a great day!!

At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just looked at your easter pictures and your children are so beautiful.

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Linda's Place said...

I just happened to stumble on your blog. One reading and I have decided to put it in my favorites. I enjoyed your special childrens pages. Keep up the great work. Take a look at mine sometime if you'd like. Its not quite as exciting as yours but I have fun doing it! You have a very nice family!


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